|| here goes nothing, could be the start of everything || This morning the alarm went off at 3:50 AM - not for a workout, but for a work date. Every Thursday, I wake up, send a good morning message, take a hot shower, take the dogs outside, make a cup of coffee and some lemon ...
Friday Favorite: Tiux Compression Socks
There has been an interesting phenomenon in my running and fitness - crazed life – I don’t go anywhere without my knee high socks I realize this probably doesn’t make sense to a lot of people, maybe I’m channeling my inner badass, maybe I’m keeping my muscles cozy and tight, or maybe I’m just protecting myself ...
What You Need to Run ____ Miles
Picture Credit: Georgia Death Race Training Run As a side, this is what it takes to run any long&far distance, When you tell anyone that you are about to run 70 miles they immediately respond with, “How?’ and then follow it up with, “You are crazy!” I won’t deny the crazy part, long distance running, is absolutely crazy, in ...