I always opt for experiences over things. But, let me be completely honest, some things just enhance experiences now don’t they. And, even if they don’t fall quite into the enhancement category, they may still easily be categorized as, “a must have.”
We are starting with the stocking stuffers because it has always been my favorite part of gift giving [and, receiving]. As a kid, we would awake on Christmas day, open our stockings and then have a family breakfast before opening the rest of the gifts. This tradition continues.
Here are a few of my favorites for the stocking wish list:
Hey Lucy Jane Trucker Hat: There is always a need for another hat. ALWAYS. You never know when you might not have time for a shower or need to make a fashion statement on the trails, this FEARLESS hat will be your go to on those days. And, Lori’s message speaks for itself. She is empowering girls at a young age – I LOVE THAT.
She says: “I get that little girls are cute, sweet, and pretty as a princess – but shouldn’t we also be teaching them that they are brave, tough, strong, tenacious, athletic, and fearless as well?”
Run Gum: Gum with a purpose. Gum with energy. Gum with good taste. It’s your caffeine kick for performance. Thank track practice for this creation – post run thoughts included, “utilizing chewing gum as the delivery vehicle for stimulants to the human body allowed for faster1 uptake through sublingual absorption.” Yeah, the science stuff.
Health Warrior Chia Bars: These guys are on to something. They talk quality of the calories over the quantity, they promote movement and exercise habits and they believe health will build a better society. If the vision doesn’t sell you [I’m always a sucker for a good story!], then let the taste persuade you. PS – Start with coconut. YUM!
Running Bracelet: Inspiration should always be worn around the wrist. Check out Fitspo Jewels. Make sure to match your bracelet to your running shoes.
Headbands [by True North Collection]: One size fits all [with truth behind it]. There is a real need for headbands that work. These bands are thick, stay in place and come in amazing prints. Function meets fashion. I always opt for the things that lend credit to, “best dressed trail runner.”
Compression Socks [by Lily Trotters]: Let the best dressed theme continue and your sock drawer over flow. These compression socks are well traveled [read the company story], effective and fun. As they say, fashion + fitness in one [and, made with love in the USA].
Notebooks: Set your goals, intentions, and daily affirmations. Write your to dos, workouts and grocery lists. Always have a cute little notebook on hand — there are a lot of thoughts in ones head. Where do I find these staples? TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Target.
Go ahead and play stocking fairy and share some of your favorite stuffers here.
Happy shopping! Happy experiencing!
All the little thoughtful things, in one little stocking, I love it.
Other top of the list items not pictured here:
Headbands [Hoo-rag, Mavi Bands, Lululemon], Compression Socks [Tiux, ProCompression], Pain Cakes Ice Packs, Chapstick, Moji Stick, Books [You are A Badass by Jen Sincero, November Project The Book, 50 Ways to Yay by Alexi Panos].
What do you think?