Four stories. It was supposed to be five, but life is busy, and four is better than zero. So, I’m sharing. And, someday, the stories will probably amount to five, ten and, even twenty plus — because there is a lot of inspiration and connection out there. You always get my story or my really long ...
Running & Safety: The Non-Lecture Edition
Maybe I live a little too much in my own little world, but I have never been scared to run by myself. It’s what I do - I lace up my shoes and go out and run. Of course there are places I avoid and simple precautions that I take, but I go out ...
2016 Reflections and 2017 Intentions
2016 Reflections and 2017 Intentions. In as few words as possible. . So, we have said see ya later to 2016 and we are on our way into 2017. And, I’m almost a week late with this post, but it’s here. Without being too wordy, I’ll wrap up 2016 and we will get right into ...
Create Your Very Own Mindfulness Jar
Over the weekend, DIY crafting began promptly at 6:45 AM. While it was probably way too early for glitter , it was a highly anticipated project -- the roll out of bed, first question of the morning kind of project. So, as I drank my morning coffee and was greeted with, “Can we make those jars ...