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29029: By The Numbers

The full race recap, with all of my words, is coming soon. But, in the meantime, let's chat 29029 by the numbers. 3 days at Stratton Mountain, Vermont 6:00 AM Friday event start, 6:00 PM Saturday event cutoff 2:00 AMish - my finish 200 participants, countless memories, so many new friends 17 mountain climbs, 29029 feet of elevation 13 cups of ramen ...


Smelly Shoe Fix: Arm & Hammer Shoe Refresher Spray Review

No one likes a smelly pair of shoes. No one.  And, let’s be clear, I’m not accusing you of having smelly shoes but, after awhile, even our most favoritest shoes start to smell. That’s reality — you wear them, you sweat in them, you put in all the work, they are finally broken in and then ...


4 Running Stories You Should Know: Q & A with the Runners

Four stories. It was supposed to be five, but life is busy, and four is better than zero. So, I’m sharing. And, someday, the stories will probably amount to five, ten and, even twenty plus — because there is a lot of inspiration and connection out there. You always get my story or my really long ...

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